First of all, download NSF Export Tool and launch it on your computer desktop. When it gets launched, the first screenshot will be for prerequisites confirmation as appeared below:
After Clicking on OK button, the software will launch properly for migration. Then click on Select Files button to add NSF files -
Here you will get "Select Folders" and "Select Files" options to load multiple NSF files as per your requirement. If you don't know about the actual path of NSF files in your system then you go with "Search" function.
If you go with Search option to look for the NSF files on your computer system. This option is helpful in case you forget the exact folder location of your Lotus Notes NSF files. Click on the Search button to open Search NSF Files window. Click on the "Browse" button to navigate to the drive/folder where your NSF files are stored. After selecting the path, click Search to locate NSF files.
Now, Tick on the Checkbox of selected NSF files, you can also use "Check All" option to select all files at once. Then Click on Next button to proceed next.
Once you have selected the NSF files, the software will start the scanning process and after analysing, extracts all its folder items on the left software screen.
After that, the software provides preview of selected NSF files data. You can also verify the selected files and then click on Export Button to proceed next -
After clicking on Export button, you will get multiple saving option. Select the desired saving option.
After choosing the desired export type, you will see the option of Select Destination Folder. Click its Browse button, select the location where you want to save the converted file and click OK button.
After selecting all the desired options and output location, click Next button